overnight on children's wards and relatives/spouses on adult hospital wards and in hospices.
Its heavy-duty all-steel construction, ease of operation, wipe-clean mattress, choice of sixteen colours (see 8 above) and five single sizes (see 9 above), have established the 'Glideaway' as by far the best product in its category.
When folded up it will glide effortlessly from one location to another. Make it up and use it whenever and wherever required!
To complement our 'Glideaway' Guest Beds, we are now able to offer a flat-packed, self-assembly, easy-clean, White MFC cabinet - see the 'Glideaway' XH page for an example - full details on request.
Our 'Glideaway' Guest Bed is based on the same quality of heavy-duty welded, all-steel bed frame, with pre-tensioned, non-sag, woven steel mesh base, as our 'Wiskaway' Wallbeds, but is designed to be folded in half when not in use.
The 'Glideaway' meets all current health & safety, manual handling and infection control requirements and is guaranteed for a full 5 years.
It comes, as standard, with a lightweight, high-specification foam mattress, with (replaceable) wipe-clean/'waterproof' cover, flame retardant to CRIB 5.
The 'Glideaway' will sleep even overweight adults for extended periods, in total comfort and is a particularly popular choice for accommodating parents
Click on the arrows or numbers above to find out about the extensive features (1-7), colours (8) and dimensions (9) of our 'Glideaway' Guest Bed.